Year 9 of visiting the Swan Island Dahlia farm during peak dahlia bloom was busier than ever. The farm has added more vendors and food carts and live music each year so the visit is more than walking around the beautiful flower field. We intentionally visited this year on a cloudy day after it had rained because that is when the field is the most beautiful and the kids can’t get enough of the muddy puddles. Also, we love avoiding direct sunlight and there is no shade here ☀️.
While we were walking through the vendors we ran into Lucas’ roommate from his first year at BYU (14 years ago). It was so fun to see him and his family and learn they had just moved to Oregon.

We (90% Lucas) spent the weekend potty training Murphy and this was our first big outing (day 3 of potty training) leaving the house. It’s a 35 min drive one way so it was a risky destination for the first outing but we did it anyway. We brought 5 pairs of clothes in case of accidents and she didn’t have any! It was nice to have the extra clothes to change into after she got muddy. We brought the mini toilet with us and had her pee between activities and it all worked out perfectly!