- We started the month in CA enjoying the perfect weather and family time. We went fishing in a beautiful lake (we all, including Tenny, caught fish!), we did an easter party at both the Jones house and Kyle/Maggie’s house, rode quads and go karts with cousins, had lots of family dinners and so many easter eggs.
- Kyle was very excited to do a money hunt for the adults. All the eggs were color coded. We put our cash findings together and used it to buy dinner 🙂 It was pretty fun to hunt for the eggs in hard places. He put one in the compost bin.
- The kids got to do an easter egg hunt at school too so all in all they had 3 egg hunts and TONS of candy and small trinkets. They loved it and hopefully will forget so they don’t expect this next year.
- One of the items inside a lot of the eggs they got were easter themed temporary tattoos. The kids love those so they had them all over their arms.
- One day Murphy insisted on wearing a dragon costume to school.
- Lucas reached the alloted # of weeks after his vasectomy to send in a sample for testing. It turned up free of sperm so the vasectomy worked!
- Randomly we got a check in the mail from the Vasectomy clinic because our insurance overpaid. The repayment was more the the copay Lucas paid originally so technically he was paid $50 to have the procedure 🤷♀️
- Tenny is getting better and better at singing along to his favorite songs. He knows most of the words to the frozen songs it’s just hard to sing along because so many of the songs are fast.
- Tenny’s still doing his ninja classes and LOVES it. We love seeing his coordination and confidence improve with each class.
- Lucas went to Salt Lake City for work and got to spend a day with Taylor and Taylor.
- I’ve been wanting to upgrade the vibe in the office since we moved into this house but I didn’t have a clear vision of what we should do with the room so we hadn’t made any changes. When I was looking for a hotel in NY for a work trip I fell in love with the trim work in one of the hotel pictures and immediately knew that’s what needed to go in our home office. I got a bunch of trim samples, figured out which ones we needed to replicate the design, then I hired Alex to install the trim and paint it. I’m always glad when we hire Alex to do house projects but I was especially grateful in this situation because the walls of the house are not straight and it was a doozy for an expert to figure out how to make all the edges line up properly so I can only imagine how frustrating it would have been to try to figure it out without expertise.
- We’ve also talked about hanging a light fixture above the kitchen table since we moved in and finally purchased one! We bought it on Etsy from a shop that’s in Vietnam so it will take a few months to get here but we’ve excited about it. The pic of Lucas holding up a basket is us trying to visualize how the size of the light fixture will feel above the table.
- After the office renovation was done Lucas asked me if I wanted to make it my office. He said, “I’ve had it for 2 years, now it can be your turn if you want it.” Up until this point I had been moving my desk around the house (first in the play room and then in Murphy’s bedroom) and Lucas had been working in the office. I had planned on making the room more beautiful just because I want every room in our house to be beautiful not because I wanted to take over the room. When Lucas offered I said no but the more I looked at the newly designed office the more I loved it so I decided to take him up on the offer to move into the office. Working in a beautiful place is both calming and inspiring. I have loved coming to my desk every day because I love the room so much. Even in the evenings if Lucas isn’t home (so we lounge on the living room couch together) I lounge on the couch in the office because I love being in that room.
- After extensive deliberation Lucas decided to move his desk to the built in desk (built within the wall of shelves and cupboards) in the living room. TBD if that is long term.
- Murphy rode on dad’s bike for the first time and LOVED it. Every time we walk in the garage now she says, “bike ride?”
- We decided to get a larger rug for under the couch so the kids have something soft to land on when they fall off the couch. Currently they are landing on stone tile 🙁 It turns out rugs are crazy expensive. Especially 10’x14′ rugs. We stopped by a rug store just to check it out and the sales person showed us a bunch that were $12K. Then we went to the “cheap” section and those were still all over $1K. So we continued our search online.
- At the end of an exceptionally hard week my boss texted me and said, “check your doorstep”. She had Salt & Straw ice cream and waffle cones delivered to my house. It was the sweetest thing! Lucas and I had never tried their waffle cones. It turns out they are super good. The kids loved them. Also, S&S had added a new ever green flavor to their menu and we didn’t know because it’s been so long since we went there. She ordered the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and it is now my favorite ice cream in the world (i think). I’m SO happy she introduced me to it!
- About 1/4 of the ranunculus corms I planted made it through the snow storms and became actual plants! It’s nice to see plants coming to life in the garden that was sad and empty for so long.
- The suit Lucas ordered while we were in Thailand arrived and it looks great!
- We found a new park with a really cool trail in King City!
- Tenny asks every day to wear his “light up shirt” that Jojo got him. It glows in the dark.
- Tenny has been waking up early. That’s the only pit part. The rest I think is funny. When he sneaks out of his room in the morning and we wake up he is usually holding a (fake) plant and says while looking guilty, “I need to move this to my room”. One by one he has moved all the small fake plants from our room to his and he’s arranged them on his dresser to “make his room beautiful.”
- Tenny had his worst tantrum to date. He usually doesn’t have tantrums but this fit definitely counts. Of course it happened while I was home with the kids and Lucas was out of town.
- I’m writing this in Aug 2023 so I can’t remember the pits from April. Luckily the photos jogged my memory for all the peaches in April so I could write about those 🙂
Photo Dump

Photo dump from school