
Dahlia harvest weekend

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We had a late summer so these dahlias didn’t start blooming until September but it was worth the wait. In the past I’ve dug up the tubers after flower harvesting is over but this year I left everything in the ground. I’m excited to see comes of it next year! I loved all of the varieties that I grew this year. This was my first attempt at “dinner plate” dahlias with giant blooms.

We knew before October started that it would be a busy month. Then I got sick. For the first time since January I took a sick day because I was so wiped out. Actually 2 days. I thought I had gotten through the bulk of it so returning to work would be okay. I even went to the doctor and they said I wasn’t contagious and that the virus had probably passed but I jumped back into work for 3 days then we all flew to Utah to visit friends and traveling with the kids slowed down my recovery. After returning from Utah we were supposed to work for a day then drive to Bend for a weekend with some of the Brook family. The day before we were supposed to leave my body aches came back and I felt sick all over again so Lucas suggested I stay home.

Lucas and his mom took the kids to Bend on Friday and returned Sunday evening. I worked on Friday, went to bed early Friday night, then slept in Saturday morning. I felt so fatigued it took me a long time to get going but I managed to go grocery shopping and finally pick all of these beautiful blooms in my garden.

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