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Happy Easter!

This holiday definitely deserves celebrating, so we are living vicariously through all the party posts and pictures of our friends. We wish we could have been at my parent’s giant Easter party yesterday! Or at least there for dinner today, because we all know that my dad cooks for 100+ people even if the party RSVP is only 40 and the leftovers are better than anything I can make.

Alas, we have had a party-free weekend. Productive. But partyless. We’ll make up for it next year : )

Lucas and I have taken several final exams this week, so now we each have one final left. We are SO CLOSE to being done! This week we have to take our last finals, pack up the entire apartment, deep clean the apartment, repaint parts of the apartment, attend graduation festivities, secure an apartment in Portland/Lake Oswego and say goodbye to all of our friends around here. We’ve started on the packing part… kind of.

Last night our kitchen sink backed up during my attempt to tackle our mountain of dishes. Lucas and I (mainly Lucas) tried to fix it but got frustrated so we left it and went to sleep (it was past 1 am or we would have kept trying). This morning we learned, thanks to YouTube, that a clogged sink could be fixed by a plunger. Brilliant. Worked instantly. All this sink business made me tired of dishes so I started packing parts of the apartment we won’t need this week, specifically everything on our walls.

It turns out we have a lot of books. Books look great when they are on a shelf yet lose a lot of appeal once they are in a box. We have 4 small (large shoe box) and 2 medium sized boxes full of books and picture frames. Where did they all come from?

Our moving pod arrives on Wednesday afternoon and we have until Friday afternoon to fill it up. I can’t wait to see how we are going to fit everything in a 6’x7’x8′ metal box. Adult Tetris watch out! The adventure will definitely be Instagrammed.

Also, I have this bad habit of making side dishes instead of entrees for meals. I find delicious looking side recipes on Pinterest and forget that a side dish isn’t a complete dinner. Ha so today my Easter dinner consisted of cilantro lime rice and left over chicken salad from lunch. Cooking has never been my talent, or Lucas’… we’re working on it.

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