
House Plants

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At our last apartment, we had three wonderful little succulents that we named and referred to as our children. Thanks to a basement apartment with little natural light and the winter season in Utah with no sun, the plants didn’t do well. I’m not sure what I did wrong but I bet my lack of know-how with plants had something to do with their downfall. Succulents are supposed to be difficult to kill! Whatever.

Now that we are moved into a new place, with LOTS of windows, we decided to try again. This time we have increased the size of our plant family. We only bought two of these plants, the rest my wonderful mother-in-law gave to me before we left California. They rode with me in the front seat on the trip up : )


Peace Lily with the start of a new Jade in the little gold pot.IMG_2963_1

Here’s a Yucca, Bromeliad, and Jade. The Bromeliad doesn’t have a fancy pot yet…IMG_2974_1

Some kind of succulent…


Here are two succulents and the start of a new Jade. Among our many projects, we decided to spruce up this coffee table by spray painting the underside of the glass cutouts to make them opaque. This picture shows off the chips in the wood, but overall I think changing the glass was a huge improvement.

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