Life, Portland

Portland during the holidays

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I love the holiday season everywhere and I especially love the opportunity to experience each city’s holiday traditions. Here are a handful of activities we did during December in Lake Oswego/Portland.



During the first week of December we stopped by Walmart late one night to pick up some last minute groceries and there was a Christmas Coco-Cola semi parked in front of the store. There was no line for a free picture with Santa so we had to get one : ) Although it was strange meeting a Santa who is probably our same age… or close.

Home Depot, one of my favorite stores, hold free workshops every month or so and the December craft was a light up board! By the time we took this picture a lot of participants had left, but in the beginning there were at least 40 women! We learned after that the holiday workshop is always the most packed. Either way it was a ton of fun and I highly recommend going to one! Check out upcoming workshops.


During the summer Lake Oswego hosts a farmer’s market every Saturday and in December they pick one Saturday to have a reunion market. During the summer I like to go for the people watching and fresh flowers but we went in December for the carriage ride. Since the carriage took us on a backroad route around downtown LO we were able to see some charming areas we hadn’t seen before. And we stumbled upon some interesting art pieces. You’ll see one below.IMG_1221_1


IMG_1504_1The Pioneer Square in downtown Portland holds a massive Christmas tree every year. This time the tree was just over 75 feet tall!!

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