Happy birthday Tenny!! People have thought you were 4 for a long time since you’re tall so it feels like you’ve been 2 forever. Congrats, you’re officially 3 years old!
Lately Tennyson’s favorite game is to pretend he has a donut shop so it felt appropriate to throw a Donut Shop themed party for his 3rd birthday. He also loves school busses so I considered doing a school bus theme but I already have a bunch of donut party supplies from my almost online party store (an idea I started and stopped 2 years ago) so I jumped at the chance to put the donut decor to use.

Weather here has been unusual. It typically rains until April then warms up in May. This year it rained until the second week of June then the next weekend was 95 and 102 degrees. We were not prepared for the heat. We bought water balloons last minute as an extra activity for the kids and they went quick. We should have bought more!

Thanks to the heat, we couldn’t put balloons or food outside until right when the party started. Which means the decor was much less exciting than I planned, but there is no way around it. Even inside the house, the donuts started to melt and squish because they were too warm. Look at the donuts on the bottom of the stacks. They just got flatter and flatter as time went on.

Tenny felt loved, everyone was fed and entertained, and no one got seriously hurt (although Tenny did scrape his hand on concrete…) so we’re calling it a success.

Trying to hold up 3 fingers, not 4…

Life has been extra busy for the last couple months so I planned this party much later than I usually do. When I called the bakery I used last year they said they were unavailable this weekend. Luckily, after calling a handful of places, I found someone who makes royal icing sugar cookies and was willing to make custom cookies and a cake with 4 days notice. She literally had to start working on the order the day I talked to her. 🙈 Such a miracle!

This is the first time he has classmates from school to invite to his party. His teachers came and brought him a homemade donut cake! And his favorite friend from school, Kira, came too. Since Tenny only hears his teachers say Kira’s name with a Spanish accent he thought her name was Keeta 😊 Now he alternates between saying Keeta and Kira. It’s so sweet to watch him make friends. She is a year older than him but they seem to be great buddies.

I’m so grateful my mom came to town to help. Not only did she make chicken salad sandwiches for 40 people and blow up a hundred balloons, she also watched Murphy the whole party so Lucas and I could enjoy the company.

In addition to heat, there was a decently strong wind. Which made the 94 degree weather feel amazing in the shade, but it ruined the decor. As the balloon columns started to go down, Tenny picked them up and ran around the yard holding them like a flag.
Real Donut Shop
I thought a play kitchen would be a great birthday gift for Tenny and when I looked for one I found an actual donut shop! I didn’t know this was a thing until recently but I’m so glad I found it! Both Tennyson and Murphy love it. Tenny especially loves sticking his head through the window and saying, “Order up!” and “Have a sprinkle day!” 😊

School Celebration
I’ve always looked forward to the day I could bring treats to school for my kid’s birthday. That day finally came! We had lots of extra sugar cookies and milk from the party at home so I brought that to school for Tenny to share with his friends and teachers.

This is Maria. She is both Murphy and Tennyson’s favorite teacher ❤️